Friday, 15 August 2014


I have recently been looking through some beautiful images on our Pinterest site. It really is wonderful to stumble across work that makes your heart flutter, here's some inspiration...

lovely example of pleating

The fabulous Manon Gignoux

stitch work as an art form

Embroidered hair onto a silk!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Jesmond Dene Market...

Our stall all ready for action at the Jesmond Dene Market yesterday. Lots of people stopped by to say hello. Old friends turned up to give their support and we had a blast with some of the other sellers. What a fantastic place to pick up the perfect gift for a loved one.... and don't forget Christmas is just around the corner! 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Art Workshop with 7 year olds

Check out the incredible creations made by this lovely bunch of children.....We planned, we sewed (lots of the girls had never used a sewing machine before), we drew, we stuck, we threaded,we chatted and we giggled.....

and these were our creations! Diving suit anyone?

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Running Craft Workshops..

We at hilburyhouse design love arts and crafts so much so that we're now hosting kid's workshops... Art is fun. See for yourselves...

decision making
We talked about our ideas. The group decided to make cushions, possibly lavender cushions. We made some simple designs (not too tricky for sewing) and then we began!
developing sewing skills

sewing buttons
using chain stitching to add hair

using a sewing machine for the first time!

adding soft wadding and lavender

soft and cosy

sweet girl

cute kitty

cuddly cyclops

well done girls!!!! FANTASTIC!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Jesmond Dene Market.....

We are SO lucky to have been selected to join a small group of other artists/designers in a new venture at Jesmond Dene. Our handmade and upcycled wares will be available to buy on the 12th of July.....more details coming soon.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

leafy lavender bags...

Leafy lavender bags made yesterday.... 100% linen, hand embroidered and filled with the scent of summer....